Guest Post: Steve Sanders for Amherst To...
To hear people speak at the town board meeting last Monday night, one would think that everyone in the Town of Amherst would like to see property taxes go up so that we don’t have to lay off any employees.  I am mindful of the effects of layoffs on employees and their families.  Any proposal...
The Buffalo Bean Interviews Rick Lazio...
I had the opportunity to sit down with Rick Lazio while he was in town yesterday. I’d never met him before. I wasn’t a New York resident during his unsuccessful Senate bid, so this was not only my first time meeting him, but my first real opportunity to assess him as a candidate that I might...
High Taxes Claim Another Victim...
I remember when Rush Limbaugh announced he was leaving New York because of high property taxes… The so-called “Working Families” Party went giddy.  We won, and now Rush Limbaugh is leaving New York forever.  Why is Limbaugh packing it in?  In the new state budget, millionaires will...
Assembly Passes Income Redistribution Bi...
Bowing to pressure from the unions, the New York State Assembly approved a tax hike on millionaires in lieu of a property tax cap. New York’s teacher union has been relentless in fighting the proposed tax cap. Robert Harding over at  The Albany Project noted liberal groups were pretty psyched...