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Category Archive for 'U.S. Government'

While I think an endorsement of anyone is premature at this point, I am pleased they didn’t jump on the Caroline Kennedy train.

The Western New York heart may say Brian Higgins. But the head says Andrew M. Cuomo.

It will be more than a month before Gov. David A. Paterson announces his choice to fill the Senate seat now occupied by soon-to-be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The governor has received no shortage of unsolicited advice about who he should pick. Only recently in this space we argued that, for once, someone from Western New York should be considered.

But as the speculation revs into a higher gear and more names drop into and out of consideration, hopes receed [sic] that Western New York Congressman Higgins, Buffalo Mayor Byron W. Brown— or anyone who lives west of the Hudson — can win the nod.

Instead, the Great Mentioners are increasingly focusing on two possibilities with famous names. One is New York Attorney General Cuomo, son of former Gov. Mario Cuomo. The other is New York attorney and author Caroline Kennedy, daughter of President John F. Kennedy.

Of the two, Cuomo is by far the better choice, and a much more favorable selection for Western New York. 

Of course it isn’t hard to be the better choice when the only reason Caroline Kennedy would even be considered for the job is is her surname. Of course, the Democratic Party’s new obsession with unqualified candidates for office does mean that Kennedy has a shot. She is apparently considered the favorite for the position – which baffles me. 

At this I have to hope Brian Higgins gets the appointment. But, not because I think he’d be a good Senator… but because he’d only be Senator for two years and he’d leave an open seat for the GOP to try to take back.

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It is getting clearer

President-elect Barack Obama wants to keep an outstanding commitment before Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes his secretary of state by calling on his donors to help her reduce her massive campaign debt before federal ethics rules prohibit her from doing so.

The urgency is rooted in the size of the New York senator’s unpaid bills and the fundraising restrictions she will face once she joins Obama’s cabinet.

At the beginning of November, Clinton owed $7.5 million to vendors from her failed presidential bid, according to campaign finance records. The largest share of the debt–about $5.3 million–is owed to the polling firm of Mark Penn, the Clintons’ longtime political strategist. She owes hundreds of thousands of dollars for printing, equipment rental, phone banks and other services.

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Caroline Kennedy is reportedly interested in Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat.

Caroline Kennedy — daughter of a slain president, niece of senators, and zealous guardian of her own privacy — is interested in the Senate seat once held by her uncle, her cousin says.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he and the rest of the powerful Kennedy clan are urging Caroline to seek the New York governor’s appointment to the Senate seat now held by Hillary Rodham Clinton — and added she is ready and seriously considering it.

“I know she’s interested,” Robert Kennedy, who himself was prominently mentioned for the seat, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Friday. “She spent a lot of her life balancing public service with obligations to her family. Now her children are grown, and she is ready to move onto a bigger stage.”

Once Clinton, in line to become secretary of state, is confirmed to President-elect Barack Obama’s Cabinet, New York Gov. David Paterson will appoint someone to fill the seat for two years.

The Kennedy family’s connections and history cannot force Paterson to choose Caroline, but the family’s strong support could increase pressure on him to pick her over lesser-known contenders. For Caroline Kennedy, seeking the Senate seat would be a significant departure from the life she has lived until now, protecting her family’s privacy — and her own.

No thanks. I left one state with a Kennedy for a Senator — which hasn’t worked very well — I really don’t want New York fall for that trap. I would prefer Brian Higgins… at least he would only last two years. Caroline Kennedy, I assume, would be more likely to hold onto the seat in 2010.

Perhaps the idea itself doesn’t carry as much weight as it used to. Anti-dynasty sentiments may have contributed to the rejection of Hillary as the Democratic nominee for president. I am not saying that Caroline Kennedy wouldn’t be a popular choice… but it might be better for her politically than Paterson. 

UPDATE: Well… maybe she’s more than just interested… She is apparently “campaigning” for the job.


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Hillary Gets The Nod

Comrade Obama has named more people to serve in his regime. As widely expected, he tapped Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State.

I have been skeptical that this was actually going to happen. I don’t see it as a wise move for Hillary if she still has presidential ambitions.

So, now speculation centers on who will be chosen to replace Hillary in the Senate. Things aren’t looking good for Brian Higgins or Byron Brown.  But, it appears that Governor Paterson still has time to decide.

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Joe Illuzzi claims that sources have informed him that Rep. Nydia Velazquez wis indeed the frontrunner to replace Hillary if she leaves the Senate to be secretary of state.

Representative Nydia M. Velázquez, whose district spans parts of Lower Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens; who is the first Puerto Rican woman to serve in the House of Representatives, according to sources, is the front runner should Clinton get Secretary of State.

Our sources in the know say: Velázquez is qualified; she will be the trump card to get the “gang of four”, three at this point, to go along with Malcolm Smith as Majority Leader. The only question mark would be Senator Ruben Diaz whose dissent is predicated on moral issues, e.g. his opposition to Gay marriage & abortion. Good for him! ###

I still remain highly skeptical that Hillary will accept the job if it is actually offered.

UPDATE: The Politico reports that, contrary to the Guardian’s earlier claim, Hillary not only has not yot been offered the job of secretary of state, but is not even sure she would accept the post if it were offered.

Hillary Rodham Clinton isn’t certain she would accept the Secretary of State post even if Barack Obama offers it to her, several people close to the former first lady say.

Press reports that portray Clinton as willing to accept the job – once the Obama transition team vets Bill Clinton’s philanthropic and business ventures – are inaccurate, one Clinton insider told Politico.

“A lot of the speculation and reporting is out ahead of the facts here,” said the person, who requested anonymity. “She is still weighing this, independent of President Clinton’s work.”

This really strengthens by belief that she won’t take it. If that happens, I can’t help wonder who leaked the false claim to the Guardian, and what was their motive. It could have been started by someone in the Clinton inner circle with tho intention of arousing displeasure amongst former Clinton supporters, or it could have been someone in Obama’s circle, leaking the false story to a foreign media outlet as a trial balloon and assess public reaction at home and abroad.

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It has been long enough since the Guardian’s story claiming Hillary Clinton will accept an offer from Comrade Obama to be secretary of state that one would think a definitive confirmation (or denial) by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or both would have occured or publicly scheduled by now.

As of this post, I haven’t seen any American media reporting the job offer being made and/or accepted either — which seads me to believe that the Guardian’s story is based on unconfirmed rumors.

I, for one, remain skeptical. The political benefits for Hillary of staying in the Senate far outweigh the benefits of accepting the job as secretary of state.

This very well could be a rumor started by the Clinton inner circle to arouse displeasure amongst former Clinton supporters who still harbor a muted grudge against Obama for not only winning the nomination, but for not choosing (or even vetting) Hillary as a running mate.

I won’t believe the story until either Comrade Obama or Hillary confirm it. 

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The Guardian (UK) reports that Hillary will indeed accept the position of secretary of state:

Hillary Clinton plans to accept the job of secretary of state offered by Barack Obama, who is reaching out to former rivals to build a broad coalition administration, the Guardian has learned.

Obama’s advisers have begun looking into Bill Clinton’s foundation, which distributes millions of dollars to Africa to help with development, to ensure that there is no conflict of interest. But Democrats do not believe that the vetting is likely to be a problem.

Clinton would be well placed to become the country’s dominant voice in foreign affairs, replacing Condoleezza Rice. Since being elected senator for New York, she has specialised in foreign affairs and defence. Although she supported the war in Iraq, she and Obama basically agree on a withdrawal of American troops.

I have previously stated my doubts that Hillary would accept such a position… and the Guardian notes Hillary had to weigh the very issues i had recognized:

Clinton, who still harbours hopes of a future presidential run, had to weigh up whether she would be better placed by staying in the Senate, which offers a platform for life, or making the more uncertain career move to the secretary of state job.  

If the Guardian is right, this naturally leaves us asking “Why?” I don’t see how Hillary could possibly see this as good career move.

I also find it ridiculous that the Guardian is gushing over Comrade Obama for reaching out to former rivals as part of “coalition building.” This is hardly something new or unique. And the fact remains that Obama failed to pick Hillary as his running mate, which would have been a stronger demonstration of reaching out to a former rival.

If the report is true, the question now to be asked is who will Governor Paterson appoint to replace Hillary?

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