Texas Can Have Our Seats and Electoral Votes

Texas Can Have Our Seats and Electoral Votes

So, looks like New York is going to lose two seats due to reapportionment following the 2010 census. I’m actually quite okay with this. Aside from the political implications of New York and other blue states losing seats (and thus electoral votes) while red states gained seats, this could be the start of a wake up call for Albany, and for our U.S. Representatives to change their ways.

Okay, that’s wishful thinking. So, I guess I am just psyched that the population is shifting in a way that makes it that much harder for incompetent radicals like Obama to win a nationwide election, and that opens the door for a bigger Republican/conservative majority in the House.

In the long run, this is a good thing for New York and the country. If New York is at all interested in getting those seats back, they’ll have to start changing policies to make this state more business friendly. Of course, it’ll take a long a time to stop the bleeding, let alone reverse the trend of the population exodus. Considering the state just elected Cuomo Junior as governor, I think New York will be lucky if they don’t lose more seats in ten years.

But, as they say, a month is a lifetime in politics, so I am not about to make any predictions about ten years from now. For now, just knowing Obama’s chances for reelection just got worse is worth a beer tonight.


One Response to “Texas Can Have Our Seats and Electoral Votes”

  1. My only hesitation is that we will now see what few Republican leaning districts we have in New York dismantled. Here in the 26th we’ve been served fairly well by Chris Lee and I would hate to lose him and gain another wacky socialist

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