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Tag Archive 'universal healthcare'

The Working Families Party (WFP), which endorsed Jon Powers‘ candidacy for congress, has sent out an email asking their supporters to sign on to a set of “standards” for a universal (socialized) healthcare program.

Dear WFP Supporter,

Everyone knows our healthcare system is broken.

But not everyone agrees on the fix. Who gets covered? Who pays how much? Who makes healthcare decisions - insurance companies or doctors? Those questions are all up in the air.

That’s why Working Families is backing the Standards for Universal Healthcare put forward the Healthcare for All New York coalition. It’s a set of goals we need to meet to make quality, affordable healthcare for everyone a reality. Lots of organizations have signed on. Now it’s your turn.

As we’ve stated here before on The Buffalo Bean, Jon Powers has described himself as a fiscal conservative… and there’s nothing fiscally conservative about socialized healthcare. And one doesn’t need to live in Canada or Europe to understand just how bad socialized healthcare is.

Still, since the WFP ardently supports socialized healthcare, and has endorsed Powers, we ought to know his position on the issue.

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